Start Strong
Government funded fee relief for long day care
What is Start Strong?
At Thornton ELC we are proud to be a part of the NSW Government’s Start Strong for Long Day Care (LDC) program. This program is designed to reduce preschool fees, making 600 hours of early childhood education more affordable for families. Under this program, families may save up to $2,174 a year for eligible children aged 4 and above and up to $515 a year for children aged 3. This is in addition to Australian Government Child Care Subsidy payments!

How does it work?
The program provides a weekly reduction in your gap fees over 52 weeks of the year:
> For children aged four years old on or before 31 July 2025 - Up to $41.80 per week
> For children aged three years old on or before 31 July 2025 - Up to $9.90 per week
Is my child / children eligibile?
Children need to be at least 3 years old on or before 31 July in 2025, and attend Thornton ELC. They cannot be enrolled or registered at a school

How do I access the program?
Complete a fee relief declaration and consent form and select one elible service to receive the fee relief. You can only access fee relief from one participating community preschool or long day care service at any given time. Our statements will reflect the reduction in your payments.
For more details information on the program, please head to Start Strong.